How to take care of a german shepherd puppy

German Shepherd is a very famous and very intelligent pet dog, it is known for its intelligence, honesty and fast speed. This puppy dog ​​is not only a good family pet but also does a lot of work for the safety of our family and that is why it is everyone's first choice for search and rescue missions in police and military. If you are willing to bring a Germen shepherd pet to your home then this guide will help you to understand that how to take care a German shepherded puppy at your home.  


how to take care of a german shepherd puppy

When we bring a German Shepherd puppy to our home, we first introduce it to the new environment of our home properly and prepare a safe environment for it. Some important things related to the care of German Shepherd puppy have been told below and if you follow them properly then you can take very good care of this puppy dog ​​and make it a part of your family. In return this pet dog will keep helping you and your family safe from unwanted threats and will also remain loyal to your family forever.

Must do preparation for German shepherd  puppy

When we are thinking of bringing a German Shepherd puppy to our home, first of all we should make some preparations in our home before his arrival so that when that puppy comes to our home, we are completely prepared. For this, first of all we should decide that part or area of ​​our home where we will make a shelter for him or where he will stay. Many people keep their dogs outside their house by making a dog shelter home and this is also good but before doing this, we should arrange all the things for our German Shepherd puppy in the dog shelter home according to the weather outside which are necessary for his safety.

For example - its bed which is neither too hot nor too cold. Dog food for him to eat. Some toy for him to play with. Dog leash to keep him safe in the house during the initial days. Cleaning equipment to clean his urine and stool etc.


German shepherd puppy age

The second most important thing that we need to keep in mind is that whenever we think of bringing a German Shepherd puppy home, it is possible that you bring it from somewhere and adopt it. If the puppy is born at home from a dog already owned by you, then you have nothing to worry about but if you are bringing it home from outside, then it is very important to keep its age in mind. We should always bring a puppy that is 10 to 12 weeks old. If the puppy is younger than this, it is not possible to keep it with its mother because at this age it needs mother's milk and staying with its mother is very important for its physical and mental health. After 8 to10 weeks we can bring it to a new home and can give any balanced dog food. So we should always bring a German Shepherd puppy to our home when it is 10 to 12 weeks old.


German shepherd puppy pre-health checkup 

The third most important thing that we need to do before bringing a German Shepherd puppy home and taking care of it is its health check-up at the pet clinic. Whenever we bring a German Shepherd puppy home from somewhere else or it is born at our home from its mother, it is very important to get its health check-up done in order to take good care of it in the future.

Some diseases are very common in dogs which need to be treated timely like tick problem, allergy problem and worm problem.

So bring a German Shepherd puppy to your home only after getting its health check-up done.

If we keep in mind the three most important things mentioned above and follow them, then now you are ready to bring a German Shepherd puppy to your home and take care of him.

Now when we have brought a German Shepherd puppy to our home, first of all it is necessary to make him accustomed to the environment of our house. For this we should spend more time with him in the initial days and gradually start training him for other things. During training he should be taught to follow our rules. Which can be for the following things -

  • Training the puppy to use the dog litter tray for peeing and stooling.
  • Training the puppy for the commands of standup and sit down.
  • Training the puppy to do some work and to stop it.


German shepherd food and water 

German Shepherd needs proper diet and hydration for their growth and health. So we should give them protein rich food to take care of them. Today there are lots of dog foods available in the market, you can use any of them as a good dog food. Apart from this you should give clean water to keep German Shepherd hydrated. If you have RO or UV unit in your house for cleaning water then we can give that water to the puppies.

German Shepherd puppies should never be given milk because cow or cattle milk is not good for dogs and it causes harm to them. If there is no option then you can use lactose free milk to feed the puppies.

If you have any confusion regarding food and diet for puppy then you can take advice from nearest vet clinic.


Hygiene practice for German shepherd puppy

It is very important to maintain hygiene for German Shepherd. If the accessories used for puppies at our home are not hygienic, then the risk of the puppy getting sick increases a lot and it can also impact the people in our family, so it is very important to manage hygiene when it comes to taking care of German Shepherd puppies


Health management for German shepherd puppy

It is also very important to take care of the health of German Shepherd puppy, that is why we should get its health check-up done from time to time and whatever vaccination is required should be done so that the dogs do not get any disease and it does not get transmitted from them to us.

For example, vaccination for rabies. Because this disease can spread to humans through dogs very easily.


German shepherd puppy behavior control

German Shepherd puppy is naturally a wild animal and by nature it is normal for it to attack and show aggression. In such a situation it becomes a challenge for us to manage it. It is difficult to understand when it will attack therefore whenever you take it out, always keep it confined so that it can be controlled if required. Apart from this its unusual behavior should be noted and techniques to control it should be developed. Always keep in mind that the more you train it, the more it will remain under your control and will follow your commands. Make it comfortable with all the members of the family.



If you keep in mind all the things mentioned above, you can easily take care of a German Shepherd puppy. It is a very pleasant experience to keep a pet dog in your home and take care of it and in return it protects our home and family members with full loyalty.

We hope you liked this information and it will be useful for you too. If you have any question or concern, you can write to us in the comment box below and we will try to answer it as soon as possible



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